Investigating the Process of Normalizing Arab-Israeli Relations (2011-2020)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D in Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 M. A of International Relations, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

3 Ph.D student of Political Studies of Islamic Revolution, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran.

4 M. A of Political Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of Israel, the regional crisis in the Middle East reached its peak and the Arab-Israeli conflict became one of the main issues of the Middle East. However, some Arab countries are affected by various factors such as Arab nationalism, internal and regional crises, the balance of power in the region, identity issues, the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the formation of Arab unrest since 2011, and finally Iran's nuclear agreement with the so-called 5+1. According to the JCPOA, they have always shown different positions towards Israel, all of which were derived from their national interests. The Arab countries that seek to expand their relations with Israel are influenced by their national interests to make this type of decision in the field of their foreign policy. Have adopted considering the fundamental conflict that has existed between the Arabs and Israel since the establishment of Israel in 1948, the issue of normalizing relations between them has become important since the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in 1978. This issue received more attention when Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco normalized relations with Israel within just a few months. Here, the main question is, “Why are Israel and the Arab countries moving towards the normalization of relations despite the existence of differences with each other?” In this research, the analytical-explanatory method has been used to answer this question, and library sources have also been used to collect data. The findings of the research indicate that these governments have taken steps towards the normalization of relations with each other due to the existence of common threats and common interests, in fact, this action can be explained under the theory of neorealism. Under the influence of a series of internal, regional, and international factors centered on national interests, as well as Donald Trump's efforts in line with the so-called Middle East peace plan, these governments have normalized relations with each other and have moved towards cooperation in order to better secure their national interests.


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