Turkey and network deterrence (balancing) against the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Student of Middle East Studies, Allameh Tabataba,i University, Tehran,Iran


Turkey can be considered one of the important regional players that has adopted an "aggressive approach" in its foreign policy since 2015; Ankara, which once pursued a policy of "zero tension" with Davutoglu's neighbors, has since entered the political arena into several levels of political, security, and military tensions in the Middle East and the Caucasus. Critical points in the mentioned areas of role-playing and active presence of its behavior have changed in the form of play with the sum of zero. In fact, after the popular uprisings and the formation of three fronts of political (Shiite) Islam in central Iran, Saudi Salafi Islam and the Turkish Brotherhood Islam, the competition for leadership and introduction as the authority of Islam among the three actors intensified. Balanced in the form of network communication against the threats of Iranian political Islam. In this study, using the facts in the region and based on the analytical-descriptive method and using library and Internet resources, the main question is how Turkey has used the network deterrence strategy against Iran?
The research hypothesis emphasizes that Turkey's foreign policy after the Arab uprisings of 2010 in order to create a balance of power through relations with national and ethnic actors in the political, economic, cultural, ideological and security dimensions


5th Turkey - Gulf Defence and Security Forum; Unity in Diversity and Building the Security”. TASAM, Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, Available at: https://tasam.org/en/Etkinlik/16213/5th_turkey_-_gulf_defence_and_security_forum
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By the early 1960s, the population of the downstream countries had doubled.
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بنابراین، تقاضا برای منابع آب به طور چشمگیری افزایش یافت.
Thus, the demand for water resources increased dramatically.
بنابراین تقاضا برای منابع آب به شدت افزایش یافت.
Thus, the demand for water resources increased sharply.
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کشورهای پایین دستی شروع به درخواست حجم بیشتری از آب کردند در حالی که ترکیه به بهانه غیر منطقی کردن مصرف آب توجهی نکرد.
Downstream countries began to demand more water, while Turkey ignored the excuse of irrational water consumption.
کشورهای پایین دستی شروع به درخواست حجم بیشتری از آب کردند، در حالی که ترکیه به بهانه غیر منطقی کردن مصرف توجهی نکرد.
Downstream countries began to demand more water, while Turkey ignored the excuse of irrational consumption.
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