Multifaceted Policies of the Zionist Regime towards Russia (A Case Study of Arms Sales to Ukraine)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Senior graduate of regional studies and researcher at Imam Hossein University

2 PhD in Political Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in Industrial Management, Azad University, Najaf Abad Branch, Isfahan, Iran


The relations between Russia and the Zionist regime are planned based on several variables, the importance and maintenance of which is very important and vital for the regime; however, the regime has tried to change Russia's Middle Eastern behavior through selling military weapons to anti-Russia governments. According to this assumption, the Zionist regime is trying to reduce Russia's presence in its periphery (Levant region) by selling military weapons to hostile countries against Russia (Ukraine). The question is that by Adopting the assumption, what aspect of the relationship between the Zionist regime and Russia is reflected from the sale of Modern weapons by the Zionist regime to Ukraine during the period of Russia's presence in Middle East. The approach to answering this question is analytical-explanatory and data are collected from documents and online. The author first present the background of the research, and then the brief history of the relations between Russia and the regime, and in the second part, evaluate their relations, and in the last part, examines the relations between Ukraine and the regime. The general results show that the economic, military and immigrant relations of Russian diaspora act as a unifying element. But from political perspective, the two countries have different strategies. Therefore, the Zionist regime is trying to reduce the negative effects of Russia's presence in its surrounding environment by using military aid to countries hostile to Russia


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