The desired model of governance, based on Islamic values in the position of the people and the expansion of justice after the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Shahid Sadougi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.



The desired model of governance based on Islamic values ​​has been one of the ideals of Muslim thinkers to expand justice based on authentic Islam. The Islamic Revolution can be considered a manifestation of this model in today's era, which articulated Islamic values ​​in the form of a government. Therefore, the necessity of this research is to examine justice, security, and sustainability while meeting the basic needs of society and to internalize the position of the people and justice in it more than ever before. The goal is to present a model based on the desired model of Islamic governance that can be realized in the Islamic Republic. The question is to what extent has the desired model of governance based on Islamic values ​​been implemented in expanding justice and the position of the people after the Islamic Revolution? The findings indicate that although the Islamic Revolution emerged with the slogan of justice and finding the place of the people in the Islamic society, it seems that in its process, it has become sick of justice-oriented monologues that critics and protesters who are from the people should be allowed to express their opinions on economic, political, social, and cultural aspects. The research method is qualitative and descriptive-analytical. Undoubtedly, human society always needs a government structure to meet needs that are not possible except through the establishment of a government. However, in the process of forming power, or after the establishment of a government, people in the government institution, due to their excessive and superior nature, may place power on a path that leads to the domination of "Taghut". Whatever Islam has presented as a "religion" has been as a guide for man towards God, and in this path, the model presented by religion regarding government falls within this framework.


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